Our Mission: “Continue to be the standard of excellence in the fitness industry”
In 1991, we launched HILTON FITNESS SYSTEMS and began manufacturing quality fitness equipment. In the ensuing 3 decade HILTON has reached the pinnace of the industry as one manufacturer in India of the largest, most respected & most time-tested fitness equipment. Our obsession for quality, an eye for consumer insights and innovative ideology has helped us to surpass the industry standards and brand value.
We pride ourselves to be the best in this part of the world; our machines are designed by engineers who know the human body. A great design always reckons the user “first and foremost’: Versatile and easy-to-use, our products embody superior biomechanics, premium components,’grace and the simplicity of design. 0ur range of products extends to Home range of Strength & Cardio, Commercial Strength & Cardio, Steam & Sauna, Stretch &. Flexibility equipment, Recreation, Sports equipment, Gym Mats, CrossFit accessories and other fitness gear.
Our Founder &, chairman Mr, Leslie John Peter has been leading various organizations from 1991. He is an athlete, an aficionado in the field of fitness and patron of various sports. Currently he is the Vice President of the Indian Bodybulilders Federation, international-Judge with the-WORLD BODYBUILDING
Judge with the world Body Building & Physique Sports Fedaration and Chairman of the selection committee of India (BBF). He also served as President of the Bodybuilding Association of Kerala from 2005 to 2018.
Has been heading the fitness division for more than a decade. He has an eye for quality & is a passionate team builder.
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